

Feeling unneeded in bed? We can change it to opposite feeling.

from anthro
we gave the universe one out- if grant found a job he loved before springtime wed stay put even though we wanted to go to cali really bad and even though grant had been looking for a different job for a long time
a conversation today
i was born in orange county where my parents had lived in the same house for like 20 years they had both lived in so cal all their lives
if you eat like this people will give you crap because its so not trendy anymore but if it will help a woman who would do anything to ovulate and conceive do that (and i know personally quite a few that this was the key for) then who cares what anyone says and jennifer aniston doesnt eat carbs so there
i couldnt find a video of him performing it but listen to the lyrics
even more obsessed with flickr than usual of late
a little note for my valentine
she follows me around all day just in case she might be needed for something anything cute little penny is just a wee dog but she feels strongly that part of her duty is to scare the crap out of anyone who gets near our house just so they know no one is going to mess with her family not on her watch she is undeterred by bigger animals and scary men- they all get yelled at to stay away
what a few hours on a sunny day can do for you
ten months after we were married i was a stay at home mom living the student life again while grant went back to school a few months later another unplanned event- my mom passed away suddenly
it makes me too happy drawers full of yarn too glorious
like this one for instance my older brother uploaded it while reminiscing about the old buggie he rebuilt in the 80s
i thought id live there forever one day when i was 12 my dad quit his job and we moved to lake tahoe it rocked my stable world
with that heres the stuff i eat salad with chicken a different salad with chicken repeat repeat this is the hard thing about it not a ton of delicious options im kind of kidding ive found a few other yummy things too
guess what i finally put in the shop
you love him too right

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