

Appeal # 96217659

The Better Business Bureau has obtained the above-referenced appeal from one of your customers about their business contacts with you.
The minutiae of the client's claim are included on the reverse.
Please review this point and inform us of your position.
As a neutral third party, the Better Business Bureau can help to solve the issue. Often pretenses are a result of misunderstandings a company wants to know about and appropriate.
We encourage you to use our ONLINE COMPLIANT system to answer this pretension.

The following URL (website address) below will take you direct to this complaint and you will be able to enter your response right on our website:

On a website please enter your complain id: 96217659 to review it.

The Better Business Bureau develops and maintains Reliability Reports on companies across the United States and Canada .
This information is available to the public and is often used by possible clientage.
Your cooperation in responding to this pretense becomes a permanent part of your file with the Better Business Bureau.
Failure to promptly give attention to this matter may be reflected in the report we give to consumers about your company.

Council of Better Business Bureaus
2100 Wilson Vale Suite 301
San Paolo, TX 56050-1082

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