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i LOVE this picture and am so inspired to keep the needles moving.
and you eat with your sunglasses on
let's give a hand to the world, for everything it can do!!
ok, i'm off to knit...
really really happy.
3. i think that packages stacked all over the house are a nice decorative touch (and they remind me how good people are to donate to project 31) happy things!
4. i don't worry about a little "creative clutter" in cate's room. i say, a good dress up/ barbie mess day better than watching tv all afternoon, right? pretty soon i will just put my 'kerchief on again and go to town. (yes, that is what cate's room looks like again, just over a month after the big clean. i tell you, i'm fighting a losing battle with that girl). does that answer your question, mary? i hope it helps! wink.
they make me smile every day. ho
it's definately worth the long drive,
really, cate is also mexican, japanese, native american, swiss, and a lot more- a true american- so we actually have a lot of family history travelling to do, but i really love the romantic beauty of ireland, and have always been drawn to that part of the world. plus i really love corned beef.
have a happy st. patrick's day.
mostly i just stinking LOVE knitting.
What are your tips for clearing clutter so you can focus on such a project as sewing?" well mary, let me answer your question by showing you some examples of how i deal with clutter in different areas of my home:
soft and long lacy scarf light enough for spring, extra long for winter wrapping, elegant enough for church, cute enough for a tshirt...i really love this scarf pattern (gee can you tell?).
good news!
and it's so yummy
i was given the irish name kelly after my great grandparents' last name.
my sister and hair stylist, coco, is coming to utah county once again to meet our hair needs.
i want those red boots and that coat.
she wears birkenstocks to fashion shows. is this MOLLO
i have always dreamed of going to ireland, (and scotland too- mccaleb), to research our family history, and to see the green grass in real life.
pps- our topic of convo for the night was this article from the wall street journal.
she never looks like a senator from krypton on the red carpet.
(i hate in quilting and knitting and sewing when the designs get all fancy just because they can).
have you seen april's ms living yet?
i recommend rounding your troops for a similar conversation, and a brainstorm session for how to prepare for what lies ahead. just sayin.