

With a mega device you will feel a more important man.

she's cute
2. to keep the bedrooms clear i throw all the dirty laundry in the laundry room and shut the door. out of sight, out of mind!
soft and long lacy scarf light enough for spring, extra long for winter wrapping, elegant enough for church, cute enough for a tshirt...i really love this scarf pattern (gee can you tell?).
she never looks like a senator from krypton on the red carpet.
it was super delicious.
really really happy.
i love the color palette and obvious softness.
4. i don't worry about a little "creative clutter" in cate's room. i say, a good dress up/ barbie mess day better than watching tv all afternoon, right? pretty soon i will just put my 'kerchief on again and go to town. (yes, that is what cate's room looks like again, just over a month after the big clean. i tell you, i'm fighting a losing battle with that girl). does that answer your question, mary? i hope it helps! wink.
and totally not what you are supposed to be eating
my happy plans for this evening include knitting and watching two favorite movies: far and away followed by tristan and isolde.
i want those red boots and that coat.
i was chuckling while i cooked thinking about how my irish grandparents always had a plaque on their wall with this prayer on it: "may you be in heaven a half hour before the devil knows your dead" ha!
i love her style.
mostly i just stinking LOVE knitting.
ps- did i say i would sew this past saturday? i meant next saturday! haha!
my happy little life
good news!
let's give a hand to the world, for everything it can do!!

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