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Reestructuración de deuda


Refinanciación de endeudamiento.

¿Qué es? Simplificándolo, se trata de convertir deuda a corto plazo en deuda a largo, para reducir las cuotas de amortización.

A nosotros llegan a menudo empresa que lo buscan porque en meses "flojos" les cuesta hacer frente a todos sus compromisos de pago.

¿Cuál es el problema?

Que los bancos aborrecen todo lo que sea refinanciar porque no quieren asumir riesgo de otras entidades y porque el Banco de España les hace provisionar el 25% del importe.

Si quieres saber cómo lo solucionamos nosotros, sigue leyendo...


Uno de nuestros clientes, una empresa industrial valenciana que tenía tensiones de tesorería puntuales que hacían peligrar su estabilidad, nos pidió que le ayudásemos a refinanciar sus préstamos a corto.

Era una refinanciación que ni su banco ni ningún otro le quería dar.

¿Qué hicimos?

Montamos la operación como una necesidad puntual (no recurrente) de tesorería que nada tenía que ver con la refinanciación de otros préstamos y centrándonos solo en la operativa de la empresa, sus plazos de pago y de cobro.

Así conseguimos dos operaciones que juntas cubrieron los tres préstamos y a más largo plazo.


Si quieres que te ayudemos con un problema similar...

Déjanos tus datos y te llamamos

El equipo de Iberfinancia.

Enisa 2019

Líneas Enisa para pymes

1. Enisa crecimiento

-Entre 25mil y 1,5M de euros.

-Vencimiento máximo a 9 años con un máximo de 7 de carencia del principal.

-Para pymes con proyectos de consolidación, crecimiento e internacionalización.

Quiero saber más

2. Enisa emprendedores

-Entre 25mil y 300mil euros.

-Vencimiento máximo de 7 años con un máximo de 5 años de carencia del principal.

-Para empresas de menos de 2 años.

Quiero saber más

3. Enisa jóvenes emprendedores

-Entre 25mil y 75mil euros.

-Vencimiento máximo de 7 años con 5 de carencia del principal.

-Para empresas de menos de 2 años con socios mayoritarios menores de 40 años.

Quiero saber más

Somos expertos en gestionar estas líneas.
Podemos conseguir la tuya.

Quiero saber más

Si lo prefieres puedes llamarnos al
981 90 49 49
(de lunes a viernes de 9 a 16 horas)


I am Mr. John Holt from ACCO BRANDS.

we would love to know more about your products and production/shipping
procedure as soon as possible.

Looking forward to your response.

Best Regards
John Holt

ACCO Brands Corporation
Four Corporate Drive
Lake Zurich, IL 60047-8997
Phone: 800.222.6462
Phone: +1 281 962 3022
Fax: 800-247-1317

Líneas ICO

Las líneas ICO 2019 ya están disponibles.

1. Empresas y emprendedores 2019

Orientado a empresas y autónomos que realicen un proyecto en territorio nacional o necesiten liquidez.

Hasta 12.5 millones y a 20 años.


2. Crédito comercial 2019

Liquidez mediante el anticipo de facturas procedentes de actividad dentro del territorio nacional.

Hasta 12,5 millones de saldo vivo por empresa.


4. Garantía SGR / Saeca 2019

Hasta 2 millones y 15 años de plazo.

Necesario el aval de una SGR o Saeca.


Somos expertos en gestionar ICOs.

Podemos conseguir el tuyo.

Consigue tu informe de evaluación previa en menos de 48 horas y sin compromiso

Quiero saber más

Si lo prefieres puedes llamarnos al
981 90 49 49
(de lunes a viernes de 9 a 16 horas)

IMPORTANT! You have been recorded ʍasturbating! I have Don Don.mp4!

ATTN: don175.don175@blogger.com

The last time you visited a Ƿorn website with teenagers,
you downloaded and installed the vίrus I developed.

My program has turned on your cam and recorded the act
of your ʍasturbation..

My software also downloaded all your email contact lίsts
and a list of your friends on Facebook.

I have the - Don Don.mp4 - with you jerkίng
off to teens, as well as a file with all your contacts
on my computer.

You are very Ƿerverted!

If you want me to delete both files and keep the secret,
you must send me the Bitcoin payment.
I gıve you 72 houɼs onɭy to transƒer the funds.

If you don't know how to pay with Bitcoin,
visit Google and search - how to buy bitcoin.

Send 2,000 ÙSD (0.227490 BTC)
to this Bitcoin address as soon as possible:

(copy and paste)

1 BTC = 9,235 ÙSD right now, so send exactly 0.227490 BTC
to the address above.

Do not try to cheat me!
As soon as you open this Email I will know you opened it.
I am tracking all actions on your device..

This Bitcoin address is linked to you onɭy,
so I will know when you send the correct amount.
When you pay in full, I will remove both files and deactivate
my program.

If you choose to not send the btc...
I will send your ʍasturbation vίdeo to
contact lists that I hacked.

Here are the payment details again:

Send 2,000 bucks (0.227490 BTC)
to this Bitcoin address:

0.227490 BTC



(copy and paste)

You саn visit police but nobody can help you.
I know what I am doing.
I don't live in your country and I know how
to stay anonymous.

Don't try to deceive me - I will know it
immediately - my spy software is recording all the
websites you visit and all your key presses.
If you do - I will send this ugly vίd to eveɼyone you know,

Don't cheat me! Don't forget the shame and if you ignore
this message your life will be ruined.

I am waiting for your Bitcoin payment.
You have 72 houɼs ɭeft.

Anonymous Hacker

P.S. If you need more time to buy and send BTC,
open your notepad and write '48h more'.
This way you can contact me.
I will consider gıving you another 48 houɼs
befoɼe I releɑse the vίd, but onɭy when I see that
you are really struggling to buy bitcoin.
I KNOW you can afford it - so don't play around...


From Mrs. Linah Mohohlo
The former Governor of the Bank of Botswana.
Reply-To:( linah.mohohlo1102@gmail.com)

My Dear in Christ,

Firstly I would like to introduce myself; my name is Mrs. Linah
Mohohlo from Botswana. I am the former governor of the Bank of
Botswana you can view the profile on the panel members at
and read about me. Please I know this may come to you as a surprise,
because you did not know me. I sincerely need your assistance
discretely because of my high business associations, which is the
reason why I write to you on a personal level and through divine
direction. It is my desire to have a genuinely personal relationship
with you.

I deposited the sum of USD$10.5M (Ten Million Five Hundred Thousand
U.S.Dollars) with Finance/bank presently. These funds emanated as a
result of an over-invoiced contract which I executed with the Bank of
Botswana. Though I am the person who approved this contract but I
honestly never knew at the time that it had been over invoiced.
presently this money is still with the bank here in South Africa.

I suffer from cancer and recently my Doctor informed me that due to my
poor health condition I would not be able to stay alive past the next
three months due to the cancer. None the less what disturbs me mostly
is the stroke I suffered. Having known my condition I decided to
donate these funds to a church or better still a Christian individual
that will utilize this money the way I am going to instruct here in. I
want an individual person or church organization that will use the
funds for churches, orphanages, research centers and widows
propagating the word of God and to ensure that the house of God is

The Bible made us to understand that blessed is the hand that gives, I
took this decision because I have a child that will inherit this money
but my son cannot carry out this work alone. I therefore decided to
use some of the money to work for God and live some for my son to have
a better future. My only son is only just 15 year old now and having
to grow up without a father he has a low maturity, hence the reason
for me taking this bold decision to ask for your assistance. I am not
afraid of death hence I know that I am going to be in the bosom of the
Lord. Exodus 14 VS 14 says that the lord will fight my case and I
shall hold my peace.

I would like you to understand that me contacting you is a divine
direction from God; As soon as I receive your reply I shall give you
the contact information of the Finance/bank. Any delay in your reply
will give me room in sourcing for a church or Christian individual for
this same purpose.

Please assure me that you will act accordingly as I stated here and
Please I will like you to Reply-me no : ( linah.mohohlo1102@gmail.com )
immediately you receive this mail so that I will instruct the
Finance/bank to transfer this fund into your account.
Remain blessed in the name of the Lord.

Mrs. Linah Mohohlo and only Son Favor.
God's favor is sufficient for me


Dear Sir/Madam,

I am contacting you based on Trust and confidentiality that will be attached to this transaction that you share last name with my late client so for more details get back to me ASAP.

Waiting your timely response as regards this.

Ralf Lennon
Chartered Accountant & External Auditor for financial institutes in England
Phone: +442033224867

Subvenciones para empresas

Subvenciones a fondo perdido

Subvenciones públicas a fondo perdido.

  • Gestionamos todo tipo de subvenciones para Pymes .
  • Líneas europeas (H2020), nacionales y de las CC.AA.
  • Vigilancia 24/7 para localizar cualquier subvención que se ajuste a las necesidades de tu empresa.
  • Gestión y preparación de la documentación a presentar.
Quiero saber más sobre subvenciones

Somo expertos en gestionar subvenciones, podemos conseguir la tuya.

Contáctanos de 9 a 16 horas
en el 981 90 49 49

o te contactamos nosotros

Déjanos tus datos

Sobre nosotros

Somos un socio estratégico para tu empresa. Atendemos a empresas y autónomos de toda España.

Servicios genéricos

Plan económico
Arbitraje financiero
Factoring sin recurso
Tramitación de avales

Otros servicios

Fiscal laboral y contable
Hacienda y S.S.
Análisis de clientes

I know you are a pedophile.

Yeah. I know you are a pedophile.
Actually I know way more about you than you think.

I am a computer scientist (internet security specialist) with affiliation
with the Anonymous group.

Few months ago you downloaded an application.
That application had a special code implanted purposely.
Since the moment you installed it, your device started to act like a Remote
Desktop I was able to access anytime.

The program allowed me to access your desktop, your camera(s), your files,
passwords and contact lists. I also know where you live and where you work..

I was observing you for quite some time and what I have collected here is
I know about your sexual preferences and your interest in young bodies.

I have secured 4 video files clearly showing how you mɑsturbate (captured
from your camera) to young teenagers (captured from your internet browser).
Glued together is a pretty overwhelming evidence that you are a pedophile.

The timestamps on the video files indicate the exact time you have been
mɑsturbating to teenagers:
Don175_Don175_blogger_com_1559195135.mp4 (115.5 MB)
Don175_Don175_blogger_com_1558950952.mp4 (79.7 MB)
Don175_Don175_blogger_com_1558797145.mp4 (54.4 MB)
Don175_Don175_blogger_com_1558352263.mp4 (91.6 MB)

I am not here to judge the morality of your sexual preferences, I am here to
make money. Because I know you are a wealthy person and that you do care
about your reputation, I am willing to gίve you a chance to atone and I
will leave you alone.

You do know what Bitcoin is, right ?

You must fund a special address with 5,000 ÙSD in Bitcoin, otherwise, I am
going to seƞd those video files to your family members, friends and your
work buddies.

I know it may be time consuming to buy 5,000 ÙSD in bitcoin, so I will
gίve you exɑctly one week. Search on google 'how to buy bitcoin' and seƞd
it to me.
Enough is enough. I have seen enough..

If you do not Ѕeƞd the bitcoins in one week, I will also Ѕeƞd those
video recordings to your local police office. Your life will be ruined,
trust me. Ƭrɑnsfer details are below..

Ѕeƞd exɑctly:
0.510251 BTC

to my bitcoin address:


(copy and paste)

1 BTC is worth 9,650 ÙSD right now, so Ѕeƞd exɑctly: 0.510251 BTC.
Make sure the amounț and address is copied correctly - this way I will know
the trɑnsfer is coming from you.

As soon as you seƞd bitcoins, I will remove the videos from my drive and
remove the software allowing me to access your device.

If you do not cooperate, I will start seƞding out those videos to people
you care about.
Not excluded that after seƞding to one person, I will ask 10x more from
you. I can make you suffer, trust me.

Don't even think about going to police. If you try, I will immediately know
it and I will Ѕeƞd them your mɑsturbation videos, pedo.

5,000 ÙSD is a fair price for my Ѕilence don't you think?

You have only one week & better act fast.

Ѕeƞd exɑctly:
0.510251 BTC

to my bitcoin address:


(copy and paste)

Do not reply to this email, it's an untraceable one time message.


Estrategias de financiación

Sobre estrategias de financiación

Hace poco conseguimos financiación para un cliente. Se trata de una Pyme que factura algo más de 5 millones, opera en un sector estable y es rentable (aunque con un beneficio ajustado).

Cuando llegó a nosotros buscaba financiación para poner en marcha un plan de expansión que le permitirá, a medio plazo, prácticamente duplicar su facturación.

¿Su problema?

Ya tenía un apalancamiento importante (aunque no excesivo) y el total de la inversión a realizar (maquinaria, instalaciones, circulante, etc.) era demasiado riesgo para las entidades con las que la empresa ya había hablado.

A todas les interesaba la empresa pero no la operación.

¿Por qué?

Sencillo. La operación estaba mal planteada.

No seguía una estrategia definida ni tenía en cuenta todas las opciones de la empresa. Simplemente se limitaba a sumar todos los gastos esperados y solicitar un préstamo por ese importe.

Y la financiación para empresas no funciona así.

¿Qué hicimos nosotros?

Estudiamos la operación como un todo y después la dividimos en función del destino de los fondos.

De este modo, en vez de una gran operación que "inquietaba" a las entidades, planteamos media docena de operaciones máás contenidas y a medida: un renting para maquinaria, dos préstamos para otras inversiones, varias líneas de circulante...

Al final, conseguimos el objetivo total y, gracias a buscar la línea y entidad óptimas para cada partida de gasto, en unas muy buenas condiciones.

Por supuesto, es fácil entender que nuestro cliente, antes de contratarnos, buscase un enfoque más directo. Nuestra forma de operar requiere más trabajo, más personal dedicado y buenos contactos con entidades; algo de que la mayoría de empresas no dispone.

Si quieres que te ayudemos a crear y poner en práctica una estrategia de financiación a medida...

Déjanos tus datos y te llamamos


❗ ATTENTION! You are screwed now Don Don..

Do I have your attention?
You are really screwed now and you better read this... !

Your device was recently infected with a software I developed,
and now you have a problem you need to solve,
because it has gone too far..

You probably noticed your device is acting strangely lately.
That's because you downloaded a nasty software I created
while you were browsing the Ƿornographic website...

The software automatically:
1) Started your Ƈamera and begun recording you,
uploading the footage to my server...
2) Recording your device screen
3) Copied all your contact lists from mail program, facebook
and your device chain
4) Started logging what you write

The problem is that it has cought you while you have been
ʍasturbating.. and I didn't plan to see that.. but I did.

I now have the Don Don.mp4 file with you
ʍasturbating to this hardcore stuff... ugly!! :(( 🤮

Let me get straight to the point.

If you do not do what I ask you now, I will upload this
ugly video file with you ... and the stuff you were watching
to several video upload sites and I will send the links
to all your friends, family members and associates.

I am sure they will not like what they will see and I am
also sure you don't want me to do that, right ?

So do you want me to uninstall the nasty software from
your device and stop recording you?
Do you want me to forget about this whole issue??

I think 2,000 USD is a fair price for my silence. I know you
can handle to send me this money - and it is enough for
me to get lost. So how do you send the cash?? Bitcoin.

I checked right now and 1 Bitcoin is worth 9,825 bucks.

Send exactly 0.204816 BTC to my Bitcoin wallet.

This is my Bitcoin wallet address:


If you do not know how to send cash using bitcoin,
type 'how to buy bitcoin' in google. There's plenty
of guides.

Ok.. so what if you decide not to pay ?
Well if you want to test my patience - go on.
I will ruin your social life, you can count on that.

You think that visiting Police is a good idea ? Nope.
I don't live in your country and I know how to stay
Anonymous. I will send the compromising video to
everyone you know!

Just send me the 2,000 USD and we forget about
the whole thing. I have family to feed too.

Send 2,000 USD worth of bitcoin to this address:

0.204816 BTC
to this address:


(copy and paste it - it's cAsE sensitive)

After you send the money to my wallet (exact
amount!) - I will see it and I will remove the video
and deactivate the rec software.

I gıve you 5 dɑys only to send the trɑnsfer..

The time starts ticking after you open this letter
(I included a pixel in this message and I will
know when you read it).

Don't try to contact me - I am using an untracable
email to deliver this message to you.

I am waiting for your cash. I KNOW you can afford it.
Don't forget the shame if you ignore me.


Financiación sin Cirbe

Líneas no bancarias

Financiación sin bancos ni Cirbe (y sin que te sangren con los intereses)

Se llama shadow-banking a todo tipo de entidades financieras que trabajan fuera del circuito bancario.

Son totalmente legales, por supuesto, pero no son entidades bancarias, no consumen CIRBE y tienen unos criterios de concesión más accesible.

Te pongo un ejemplo,


Uno de nuestros clientes tiene una empresa de carpintería metálica, se encargan de todo lo que sea metal en obras grandes.

Muchos de sus clientes son entidades y empresas públicas o grandes empresas. Tiene grandes encargos pero cobra tarde (por lo general) y tiene que adelantar mucho dinero.

¿Resultado? Unas tensiones de tesorería bastante graves que hacían peligrar una empresa que lleva trabajando casi dos décadas y que además estaba creciendo a buen ritmo.

Nuestra solución: actualizar su estructura financiera.

Firmaron 3 líneas con 3 de nuestros colaboradores:

- Un leaseback sobre una máquina que les dio liquidez,

- una línea de adelanto de contratos y facturas que les permitió aceptar encargos que estaban a punto de rechazar

- y un ICO inversión para comprar una máquina nueva con la que optimizaron su proceso de producción, reduciendo sus costes.


Muchas veces la solución a un problema no viene con una sola operación, sino con varias trabajando al unísono.

La clave es encontrar a quien comprenda tu problema y confíe en tu empresa y en tu proyecto.

En eso somos especialistas.

Si tú también necesitas financiación para tu empresa ponte en contacto en el enlace de abajo.

Te haremos un estudio de viabilidad por escrito y sin compromiso:

Haz clic aquí

El equipo de Iberfinancia.

Estudio financiero sin compromiso

Estudio financiero

Estudio financiero sin compromiso

Iberfinancia es la empresa española líder en intermediación financiera para pymes.

Antes de empezar a trabajar con una empresa siempre hacemos un estudio de su situación y su proyecto para decidir como podemos ayudarle a conseguir sus objetivos.

Es un estudio por escrito, gratuito y sin compromiso en el que, después de estudiar tu empresa y sus necesidades, analizamos:

- Sus fortalezas y debilidades.

- Sus objetivos.

- La estrategia óptima de financiación.

- Las líneas más adecuadas.

Si quieres saber si tu empresa está preparada para conseguir los fondos que necesita...

Déjanos tus datos y te llamamos

El equipo de Iberfinancia.